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Tablet PC Technology Initiative 07-08


Team Discussion:How was it Post here! :FlatUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).Open MenuOpen Menu

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Started: 3/18/2008 4:23 PM
Picture: Dave McGee
Dave McGee
How was it?? Post here!
So how was it...really? Did you finish the class with the tools you need to really put the tablet to work in your classrooms?  Do you need more?
Post here to tell the tech staff about your experience. Tell us if we missed anything, or spent too much time on something that you didnt find useful.
Posted: 3/18/2008 4:39 PM
Picture Placeholder: Erin Simmons
Erin Simmons
It was good.  I am not really a "fast thinker" when it comes to technology, so the individual sessions with my ITRT were very helpful.  I have enjoyed using this with my students for various things and they love it, too.
Erin Simmons
Posted: 3/18/2008 4:40 PM
Picture Placeholder: Anita McGuire
Anita McGuire
Really learned from you experienced folks.  I am using so much of what I have learned.  I use one note and my students think it's cool.   I love my website.  I do wish I could use some animation on my site.  Or I would like to set up the site differently.  I have looked at some first grade websites that are very pretty because they can have pretty backgtounds.  Also I like how some have pictures that can be clicked on to go to another place on your site.  The only thing I don't like about my tablet is that it is very heavy and also it gets hot on my wrists when working for long periods.
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:14 PM
Picture Placeholder: Pat Whitson
Pat Whitson
It has been wonderful. I can't believe all the things that one can do with a tablet. However, at times I was completely overwhelmed. SO MANY new and wonderful things that I would like to do but just not enough time to master then all. I think I would have liked it better to have been introduced to ONE new activity more slowly at a time and then been given 'practice time' before something new was introduced. Thanks for the small, individual help from the ITRT's.
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:20 PM
Picture Placeholder: Sandra Williams
Sandra Williams
The class has been very useful. I have been using my journal more and more each day, instead of the white board. My students are really enjoying the technology integration in the classroom. The indvidual time with the ITRT has been great. I appreciated the time to explore on our own during our large group sessions.
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:22 PM
Picture Placeholder: Diane Davis
Diane Davis
I have really enjoyed using my pad.  I use it daily.  I am using my board less and my pad more!!  I am wanting to intergrate technology more to enhance teaching!  Tammy has been so helpful and patient with me as I try new things.
Diane Davis
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:35 PM
Picture Placeholder: Cindy Dufour
Cindy Dufour
Really enjoyed the class! Very excited to create and update my own class webpage.  I now feel very comfortable to experiment and try new things on the web. My second grade class is totally teched up thanks to this class.
Cindy DUfour
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:38 PM
Picture Placeholder: Kari Everett
Kari Everett
I only have real issues when the projector and the computer have problems talking with each other.  I would like to have more time to work on lessons that integrate technology better.  One Note is great and I like using it to give notes and go over homework.  I have learned how to import scanned pages into One Note which is great.
Already having the technology background I do, just learning the ins and outs of the tablet has been fun, but I do get bored easily.
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:41 PM
Picture Placeholder: Adaline Hodge
Adaline Hodge
It was much better than going through a book two inches thick. You were always helpful and willing to help.  Your ideas for so many different areas of instruction amaze me. I could not think of that many things in just seconds.  Thanks for helping me and hopefully by next fall I will have a working webpage. 
I think more time should have been devoted to web pages only because I didn't get it the first time around.  I feel challenged by that part of this class. 
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:49 PM
Picture Placeholder: Sandie Stinnett
Sandie Stinnett
I am really excited about all that I have learned, but I spent much of my class time feeling overwhelmed.  Everything went so fast that I was lost a lot. The many topics presented gave me a starting point - showing me what I can learn  more about. But, I think I would have liked it better to have been introduced to ONE new activity at a time, more slowly, and then been given supervised 'practice time' before something new was introduced. The individual help from my ITRT really helped.
Posted: 3/18/2008 5:52 PM
Picture Placeholder: Heather Hough
Heather Hough
This is the first piece of technology that I can truly say that I love.  For me to have the ability to write, but still be able to save items, has been a great improvement.
The classes have been helpful.  I found the first day to be helpful with introductions to the 2007 Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, as well as OneNote and Journal. 
It was a very comfortable atmosphere for asking questions; this made learning about the PC Tablet a painless experience.  It was good having the free time at the end of the class sessions for questions and for investigating sites for applying web sites to lesson presentation, though I think there was maybe too much of this time.
The web links to Microsoft that were placed on the web site have been very informative; I have learned "new" things about Excel, and I've been using Excel for a decade.
The information that the staff told us about the web sites that are out there for use was good, and the information about copyright was valuable. 
The time spent teaching us to make our own web sites and using Outlook was VERY helpful.  Maybe next year spending a little time teaching them to make different tabs for for their web sites (for different sections of class, for example) might be helpful for them.
Thank you so much for your time.  I really appreciate it.
Edited: 4/16/2008 2:08 PM
Picture Placeholder: Gail Abbott
Gail Abbott

This class was wonderful!  I learned so many new things and my students just love the technology we have available to us now!  Thank you all so much for all your instruction.  I loved this and I love the ability to provide instruction in the classroom!




Posted At: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 4:24 PM
Posted To: Tablet PC Technology Initiative 07-08 - Team Discussion
Conversation: How was it?? Post here!
Subject: How was it?? Post here!


So how was it...really? Did you finish the class with the tools you need to really put the tablet to work in your classrooms?  Do you need more?


Post here to tell the tech staff about your experience. Tell us if we missed anything, or spent too much time on something that you didnt find useful.